What We Do
We reconnect new and used donated sport gear to kiwi kids that need a hand accessing gear of their own – including individuals, families, community groups and schools.
From large bulk gear donations we receive from our national sporting organisations, to a pair of boots or a hockey stick donated from our community into one of our collection bins, we take great care and effort to ensure these items are reconnected to where they are needed.
We reconnect gear, across the following initiatives, via an extensive network we have built up over the last 8 years.
replay Sport Gear Connect®
A lot of the sport, active and play gear we gratefully receive is reconnect ed across our Active Communities initiative to reach tamariki and rangatahi, community groups, schools and various initiatives supporting active youth. Pending what sport code is needed, we put together crates of gear or bags of balls back out into the community.

replay Balls into our Schools®
Our primary schools love receiving sport balls – for the physical play they provide during break and teacher led sessions. Having a supply of balls donated also helps some of our schools with one less item to purchase. We love passing on the balls we receive, they are so gratefully received.
replay Boot Connect®
replay Shoe Connect®

replay Active Me®
One of the ways we reconnect sport gear is for a targeted, individual need. Often for a child who needs a hand with a piece of gear because they are unable to purchase or access gear of their own. With your donation, we put together a drawstring bag of what is needed (maybe a pair of shoes or boots, shin pads and a mouthguard), then connect this to the recipient via a teacher or sport coach. We have helped over 1200 children with our REPLAY active me© initiative.