Helping Tararua kids into sport.

The charity was looking to expand with a donation bin in Dannevirke and one in Pahiatua and had teamed up with Leah Sole, the Tararua co-ordinator for Sport Manawatu.
“We receive all kinds of sports gear, new and used, in usually great condition. We have a network that we’ve established that targets children and families that just need a hand with a piece of sport gear.”
The Tararua district was very active, especially with the Dannevirke Sports Club and the Bush Multisports park in Pahiatua.
But there was always more that could be done to encourage children to keep being active.
McLean said one of the barriers was the cost of sports equipment.
She said the community as well as sports clubs and different sport codes understood that.
“Some kids just need that pair of rugby boots or a hockey stick, and with that we can offer some shin pads.
“It really is helping our kids to stay active.
“We know the benefits from that are numerous – physical, social and mental.”
McLean said there was sometimes a note left with the donated equipment which often meant an emotional value.
“We’ve had notes saying: ‘my son kicked his first conversion at the high school 1st XV in these boots, so we’ve hung onto them. But it’s now time to pass them on’.”
She said they try to take care of who they passed it on to.
Sport Manawatu was also helping with redistribution through their networks.
“They’re a first port of call to get gear to because they’re seeing immediately where the need is. It’s a bit of a win-win.”
A Replay collection bin is in the foyer of the Dannevirke Library and there was also one at the Bush Multisport complex in Pahiatua. McLean said Replay was also going to be kicking off in the Hawke’s Bay in January.