play, pass it on, replay
Reconnecting new and used sport gear to help keep our communities active



Our Work
Thanks to REPLAY’s Foundation Sponsors and Funding Partners

Our Mission
Since 2017, REPLAY has been receiving new and gently used sport gear kindly donated from our wider community. This sport gear is reconnected back out into the community to those that need a hand accessing sport gear of their own.
From sports balls to rugby boots, hockey sticks and tennis racquets – over 45,000 items have been reconnected amongst our network of organisaitons engaging with tamariki and rangatahi including schools, community groups, various projects, families and individuals.
Not only does your donation enable another child to be active, passing on any items that might be disposed of is pretty good for our environment too

Our Stories
“We are so grateful to be supported by REPLAY. Our school has received a lot of sports equipment over the last 2 years, that is used daily by our students. Thanks again to the REPLAY team, you rock!”